Friday, July 8, 2016




Okay, the title kind of gives it away, but nonetheless few things make me as happy as reading about pirates. It all starts with a rather ominous and bloodthirsty scene, which might be a deterrent for some, but made me happy.

Death and a mystery!

High Commander Lesto's investigation of the gruesome scene leads to some intriguing developments, amusing actually, and a reunion of sorts.You know, the one person you wish you'd had more time with in your past with it ending too soon. Yeah.

Shermal, the Farlander. From the isles at the ends to the world. My kind of place. Poor guy's minding his business when all of sudden trouble comes knocking on his door. Next thing you know the goats are on their own.

"I will teach you exactly what it means when we say that the only way to stop an Arseni is to bury us fathoms deep." 

Humor and intrigue as the impressively named Blood of the Fallen and Hands of Death factor into events. Then the High King and Consort are brought into things, if you read the first story you know exactly how well Lesto and Sarrica get on. Diplomatic intrigue with idiocy thrown in for amusement keeps the story going nonstop. I actually finished this in one sitting, but sometimes articulating why I enjoyed a story isn't easy, especially when it speaks to my inner self.

Best part, Jader is the next story and he has all the markings of me. Looking forward to it. So, if you like quasi historical fantasy reads then this is a win for entertainment. I like Derr's writing and this is true to form. 3.5-4 stars, rounding up because I was thoroughly entertained.

Overall, frolicking action adventure with heading butting alphas' romance.

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