Wednesday, January 29, 2014


by S.L. Armstong and K. Piet


Blood, pain and perfection--I dangerous mix.
Admit what is needed and accept that.
Fine advice unless it's used for rationalization.

Damn. Intensely mindfucking with the convergence of two individuals whose needs are truly a dangerous mix that needs to be handled properly. A catalyst for an uncontrolled explosion that could destroy them both. Neither Kasper nor Logan are psychotic, but their respective compulsions drive them in ways that make their combination hazardous.

Edge play is dicey at the best of times, but with a sub who won't safeword--suicidal.
"Not having limits isn't a limit."

What I loved most about this book? 

The Dom's needs and thoughts are expressed. The majority of the story is told from Logan's viewpoint. His desires, his worries, his concerns and sense of responsibility. What happens when his trust is broken?
"I hurt you more than I wanted to. Did you even think about what I might have wanted?"

So much is concentrated on the submissive's side in many stories except when it goes wrong. BDSM is a symbiotic relationship. Abuse is a parasitic one. Here the dynamics of power are explored and what happens when there isn't balance. 

This is not an entry level book and I would not recommend it to most. It deals with extremes. Elements of blood play, humiliation, intense SM, mild CBT, and sounding.

Favorite quote:
"That space is yours, Kas, and I don't need to flay your back for you to reach it."

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


by Maris Black


3.5 stars

Collegiate love story that hits a couple gravel patches. 

Overall, very enjoyable though one or two OTT moments and a colossally bad decision detracted a bit from my reading pleasure. Jeremy is a guy who is finally escaping the prison of childhood, good riddance:
What I really meant was, Fuck you, you drunk bastard. I’m outta here, and you can rot in hell for all I care.

He's got a plan and he's charging full steam ahead with a passion when a bright, shiny thing distracts him--Beck. Beck is a walking fantasy to Jeremy. Reality check. Jeremy's got to decide what he really wants because he's not getting exactly what he wants.
There’s a little voice in my head telling me I’m pouting like a spoiled child and making an ass of myself, but I don’t listen to that voice very often. It’s way too soft compared to the other voices I’ve got in there.

Drama. Two steps forward, one back. Another back. Step to the side. Anyway, there's the expected friends inserting opinions and "advice" aka meddling. Though I really have a soft spot for Truck and Dan. And surprise! There are females in this book that aren't heinous.



Favorite passage:
“So you’re saying he might not respect me if I sleep with you?”

Dan laughs. “No, I’m saying I think he’d fucking kill me.”

Last First Kiss (Southern Comfort #1)

by Diane Adams


Good Golly! Unexpected depth and emotion from an unlikely couple. 

Filled with understatement and a quiet dignity, this story steals away your heart. On the one hand, you have Trent the upwardly mobile, young professional blazing his trail when a detour, the literal kind, takes him down the road less travelled and opens a whole new world to him. 

Gage, what can I say other than it is so easy to make quick, erroneous assumptions about him. He has more honor in him than most people I've met and a beauty to him that is breathtaking, and I'm not talking about the physical.

Almost like star-crossed lovers, they make you ache and hope and wish and want to rail against life. But reality is truth and there is no perfect, only the decisions we have to make now. Life entails compromise or planning for different adventures. Dreams like spider webs can be respun. Spin!

Woof! Not a light read, but I never wanted to put it down to take a few moments away from it. 

Favorite quote:
"If something is going to give its life to feed you, it deserves to be treated with respect.”

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


by Dericka Snake


**WARNING** Those prone to motion sickness should take Dramamine before reading this book.

Another spin on Snake's Wild Ride. Yee-HAW! 

A seriously messed up addition to the vampire saga of Blood Nation. Once again, totally out there and unrepentant in the crazy persona roulette going on. I give major kudos to Snake for individualizing the characters of Azrael, Xavier, Sex, Armor, Marcus, Carnage, and Claudius so well that there is absolutely no trouble following who the heck is on the page at any given time. And let me tell you, this is no mean feat as they jump in and out with abandon. 

If you've read Snake then you're prepared for the insanity. If you haven't, check the warnings. And you must be this twisted to read it:

|---Snake devotee
|---Men in white coats are looking for you, again
|---Look! I just got a spiffy new jacket
|---Medicated, and likes it that way
|---Could benefit from counseling
|---Quirky or eccentric
|---Absolutely normal member of society

Love this installment. There are couple new grenades tossed that upset the apple cart. Hades in particular pisses me off. That Ancient has something coming for him. (view spoiler)

Claudius and Marcus have some moments of brilliance and stupidity. Again. That said there are some scorching scenes. Wicked hot. Everyone gets a moment in sun and it is HOT!
When that man got his cherish on, I wanted to do nothing more than kneel at his feet forever.

Finally seems like Xavier might be getting a handle on this emperor thing. 
"As the Lord Emperor, it was probably smart to keep the number of people who called me by my first name to a select few, and I was pretty sure that it was not a good idea to have the kid dry-humping my head as one of those few.
Sex might fumble a few things, but when he works it right--BAM! Talk about loading the bases for Azrael to bring them home. 

When chaos isn't exploding around them this is actually a very sweet and loving story. Of course, then something gets ripped to shreds and then you want to throw the book/ereader/computer. But hold tight and close your eyes if necessary 'cause the last twirly spin twist sets up a whole new game for book #4.

Gimmee, GIMMEE! 

Favorite passage:
I wanted Armor with me so badly right now, but Marcus needed me. They were like salt and pepper. We, the Brothers and Father, were the rest of the spice rack.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Dead Will Rise First

by Logan Kain


I admire the intent and sentiment expressed in this story that love is good and do you really want to devote your life to something that spews hate. This I applaud and I'll point to Marcus Aurelius as my personal guidance and moral compass:
“Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.”
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
That said I had issue with the logic involved that really confused me. I'm going to ignore the entire Rapture argument because frankly I lack sufficient knowledge to make a cogent one, but I for the life of me cannot comprehend how the lack of morals leads to cannibalism. That said, the worldview after the Rapture is a bleak one and those left behind are in dire straits.

Needless to say, I had problems with a fundamental principle which lessened my enjoyment because I found them to be contradictory in the world building. Did I like it? It was fine. I'm not a huge zombie fan and don't get off on gore as such. So I'm probably not the target audience. That said, I'm with TJ in the end game.

Favorite quotes:
"Ask enough, and you will begin to look at the world with new eyes."

 "There was no fear of death, just acceptance. Here I come God, you have some explaining to do."


by Lynn Hagen


Hmmm…well, this was a mixed bag.

Note that this is the first book in the series that I've read. That said, it vacillates between Cody running from Boone and towards him. In between, there's such melodrama going on: people beat up, machine accidents, people shot at, people shot, etc. Essentially, every secondary character has some major issue/trauma going on.  Pretty high body count and hope they have health insurance 'cause they'll lose the ranch paying medical bills the way things are going.

Now, if all that had been dialed back about five clicks I would have enjoyed the budding romance between Cody and Boone. Fourteen years difference in age makes for some interesting points which are addressed well. Cody is wild, young, impetuous and has mood swings that just make Boone want to shake him. I liked that Boone realized that he couldn't expect Cody to act like him, that some of it was just going to come with age.

On the other hand, the hot/cold --> true love aspect of their relationship was a bit tiring. That and the all in before having test driven the car. *wink*

It was sweet and lovey dovey and just a bit of a miss for me. *shrugs*

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Elegant Corpse

by AM Riley


LA based murder mystery with some kink? Why, yes…I"ll take that.

Perfect timing for this read. I was so in the mood for this story and gobbled it right up. It had a nice mix of nostalgia, mystery and this coming to accept the changes of time. So, emotional and a bit sad at times, but the kind that makes you realize that it all still goes on. Some things get lost and new ones found.

The murder mystery was an interesting premise and the everything up until the reveal was quite good. A little weak at the end, but I enjoyed the story more than the mystery. I especially thought Jay's intervention with Roger and Sean was brilliant and made me want to smile and cry simultaneously. 

Roger and Sean. Hot and sweet and mercy that is some fine fun unfolding. Roger's got issues and Sean's got some, too. The intersection of them and the resolution--very nice.

Favorite passage:
Sean’s voice was defensive, and Roger felt, once again, challenged, as if Sean were throwing a dozen Scrabble tiles at him and daring him to read the secret word.

Bone Rider

by J. Fally


It's about the story, stupid.

Okay, this was fun. I had my doubts when I saw the bits filtering through my feed about the mafia, aliens, and cowboys--and all I could think is how disappointed I was when that movie came out promising similar delights. Well, this book delivered.

Action-packed, funny as hell, and a memorable cast of characters.
I recommend we run like hell before they drop a helicopter on us.
This was a dense gem that just charged through and racked up an impressive body count while still managing to successfully weave a believable romance between Misha, Riley and McClane. Not to mention the excellent secondary characters and antagonists that keep adding to fun.

Love the sarcasm, dry wit, and when these guys come together--Hawt. Sweet bejeezus. ::fans self::

I've been lucky with my sci-fi picks lately. Just might be my genre of 2014. Hot damn!

Favorite quote:
I don't care what it's called; you planted the tadpole idea, stop criticizing my metaphors!

The Boy Who Belonged

by Lisa Henry and JA Rock


Go, Lane!

Nice addition to the story of Lane and Derek. Love how Derek continues to draw him out of his shell. Really liked how both men faced their issues head on--Lane kicked ass and Derek finally figured it all out. What a wonderful place to find them both. 

Entertaining read besides the drama and scorching hot play Derek and Lane are up to, there's the antics of Andy and Mister Zimmerman as well as Brin! Brin kinda takes backseat to Andy and Z, who are just funny. Great sense of humor weaves through the story to keep heavy issues from dragging one down.
Shit was getting a little too domestic if they were going to try carrying on a conversation about pet-sitting while they were fucking.

This isn't a wild monkey sex, swinging from the chandelier kinda book. Sure, there's some kinky play: pup, breath and sounding; but Henry and Rock quietly rip the emotions out of the scenes while this is all happening. It's that sort of intense. 
With Lane, it couldn’t always be about taking the pain away. Sometimes it was just about being there with him when he felt it. Watching him hurt and survive, and loving him for it

Or maybe I no longer pay attention to all the window dressing, because at the end of it all--it's about emotion, trust and love. So, I really liked the dynamics between Derek and Lane.