Learning to be oneself again after being part of a pair takes work. It isn't so much that you've given up who you are, but rather you can't see how that which was once a piece of something else can be self-sustaining again. Oliver has lost his world. He wants just one thing--that last moment. Alas, time stops for no one.
The dark collector is suddenly everything: rival, master, catalyst, and more. What happens when their paths cross is quite exquisite. Rare and tender. Each moment pulling Oliver further. Until he's ..., no you have to read it. I can't tell you.
So the greedy part of me would say, only four stars, but it was a beautifully plotted short story and deserves every star. The ending is perfect.
Favorite quote:
How can this stranger , whose name I don’t even know, see me if I can’t?
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