Thursday, October 26, 2017


4 Stars

Reflections, times they are a changing. Aren't they always, and not. 
There aint no such thing as a bargain promise.

This is one of those 'things set in motion' stories. You know there's a train wreck coming and you're just holding on, watching it speeding towards you. A sense of the inevitable, that's the overwhelming feeling of this book from the individual events occurring to life itself. There's no escaping the past because it's what's led you to where you are, right now. It's not fate; it's consequences.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

I'm going to go off on a tangent now, so feel free to stop reading or skip ahead. Since the 2016 election my reading has dramatically altered course as I search for an answer. I see all the pieces, I understand the the real basis of discontent, but of all the choices available it was the most destructive option chosen and it confused/confuses me. Chaos was chosen willingly, enthusiastically. 

But it was a foolish thing to do. A vain thing to do. Do you understand? 
Do I understand? 
Do you have any notion of how goddamned crazy you are? 
The nature of this conversation? 
The nature of you.

A battle royale. A Game of Thrones. 

That's the opening scene. It's stark and beautiful and horrifyingly relevant. Death. And lying in those ruins among the dying and rotting is something that seems to be an opportunity. Moss makes a decision. Moss is dumber than dirt. 

Chirugh is a wonderful character, and in a way this story reminds me of The Seventh Seal.

I want to reread this one, again after a break. McCarthy's style of writing is just different enough that I was conscious of reading the entire time. The lack of quotation marks, vague character identifiers, and colloquial language meant that I couldn't just slide into it. It was like sitting on a hard wooden pew; you never forget you're there. 

Favorite quote:
How does a man decide in what order to abandon his life?

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