Saturday, March 3, 2018

Gentleman Nine by Penelope Ward

1 Star

So not what I was hoping for after reading the blurb.

The romance genre is mostly a miss for me nowadays. I went in looking for some nostalgic and smexy loving and I got this emo and way more chaste story than I expected with a blurb flogging escort services and playboy ex-crushes. Actually, I call FLAG on the play!

This was bait and switch. 

A virgin adjacent and a reformed rake comprise this story that has A LOT of emotional baggage. Add on that these two mid to late twenties individuals act at times like they're a decade younger and you get a weird faux teen angst story. The alternating first person point of view did it no favors since it was the crutch that made the story all internal monologuing and fretting. It took this story from two stars to one. 

Finally, there were some plot points that made me roll my eyes so much that I nearly got eye strain. I know they're my peccadillos, but they just rubbed me the wrong way. Spoilers abound so not going into to detail, but if this is a real thing for people, then I don't want to know how messed up people are about human bodies and their function. And they shouldn't be characters in a book advertising itself as a racy romance. 

Maybe I can't read blurbs correctly anymore, but whatever this was I didn't like it.

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